About Us


Our Approach

Kari is elated that this opportunity manifested at the exact moment that it was meant to.  She has built a thriving relationship with the local community of Larkspur, CO.  While also leaving room for opportunities to collaborate with many friends; whom are  stylists, massage therapists, artists, entrepreneurs, etc., to make this new adventure the most fun and versatile as it can be.  This new journey is the perfect fit to feed her free spiritedness and adoration of the random encounters of people she meets.  She envisions this will inspire many others to follow their dreams and passions; and to hopefully collaborate with her at events to help promote one another in this expanding mobile community!


Our Story

Hair & There was founded by Katy McLaughlin in Katy, TX and here is her story:

"I have truly loved this business and it has been perfect for me and my family. I have had the opportunity to be a part of so many people's special occasions, provided a service to people who otherwise wouldn't have had the opportunity and was still able to control my schedule so that I could be there for all of my family's commitments.

However, I shattered my ankle in an unfortunate rock climbing wall/foam pit accident, requiring me to have surgery and a very lengthy recovery and has in turn prevented me from carrying out the daily activities necessary to keep this business going as hard as the market wants it to. Even before the injury, I couldn't take every opportunity presented to me because there were so many, and the last thing I want to do is hold this business back. I am ready to pass the torch and let someone else pick up where I am leaving off and take it to the next level.

Kari is so grateful to have Hair & There flourish in Larkspur, CO to continue on the legacy that Katy so wonderfully built!


Kari (Owner/Stylist) & Stella (Shop Pup) lover of all people!

Next Steps...